3660 Shirley Road Youngstown, Ohio 44502
Phone: (330) 781-1808
Project MKC
Diaper Program
Programa de Pañales
9AM - 4PM
OCCHA's Workforce Program
Programa de fuerza laboral
9AM - 4PM
Our beautiful banquet hall is a perfect venue for holiday parties, weddings, graduations, baptisms, corporate luncheons, showers and much more. Contact our office to discuss your event with our courteous staff.
Social Services
Servicios Sociales
9AM - 4PM
Provided with Hall Rental
Mental Health Navigator Program Seniors Groups
Programa de Navegacion de Salud Mental Jovenes del pasado
Monday-Thursday /Lunes-Jueves Meets every 2nd Thursday of each month
9AM - 4PM at 1:00 PM
For more information call 234-228-9116 Se reúne cada segundo jueves de cada mes
Para mas informacion llamar al a la 1:00 PM
For additional hall rental information, please call Glendaly Castro (330) 781-1808 ext. 14.
Hall Rental
Stepping Up Program
Line Dancing/Clases de Baile
Tuesday/Martes 1:30PM-2:30PM
For more information call 330-781-1808
Food and Clothing Distribution
Distribucion de Alimentos y Ropa
(Once per month/Una vez al mes)
Monday-Thursday /Lunes-Jueves
9AM - 4PM
(Registration and proof of income required)
(Registración y prueba de ingreso requerida)
Copyright © Organizacion Civica y Cultural Hispana Americana, Inc. (OCCHA). All rights reserved.